Author - Peter Wang

Cloud Storage for CCTV Recordings

Due to its accessibility and ease, cloud storage has grown in popularity recently. For businesses and organizations that utilize CCTV systems for security purposes, cloud storage offers an efficient and reliable solution for storing CCTV recordings. CCTV recordings are crucial for detecting and preventing criminal activity, as well as monitoring employee behavior in the workplace. Traditional methods of storing CCTV footage, such as on-site hard drives, can be unreliable and vulnerable to theft or damage. Cloud storage, on the other...


Future of Security Surveillance Technology

Since the days of grainy black and white footage and bulky cameras, security surveillance technology has advanced significantly. Today, with the rapid advancement of technology, surveillance has become an indispensable tool for protecting people and property. With the emergence of artificial intelligence and machine learning, the future of security surveillance technology is looking brighter than ever. Here are a few trends that the development of security surveillance technologies will likely follow. Improved Image Quality The improvement in image quality is one of...


Active Deterrence Features in Security Surveillance Cameras

The way we approach security in both home and commercial settings has been revolutionized by IP cameras. They provide an unparalleled level of monitoring and surveillance, allowing property owners to keep a close eye on their premises and protect their assets. However, the advancements in technology have also led to more advanced security features that make IP cameras even more effective. One such feature is active deterrence, which can significantly enhance the level of protection provided by an IP...